There is no 911 for pets so it's up to you to be your pet's first responder. Pet owners and pet care professionals will benefit greatly from taking this class. You will be empowered with knowledge and skills you'll learn by demonstration and hands on practice. In addition you'll receive a PetSaver Program Handbook and upon successfully completing the class you will also receive a certificate.
Two classes are available based on your interest and needs:​
5 hour Pet CPR and First Aid Class $95
8 hour Pet Saver - Pet CPR and First Aid plus dental care and senior care $125
You'll learn:
First Aid basics
Rescue breathing
How to assess your pet's vital signs
How to help your pet in an emergency
Snout-to-Tail assessment
How to make your own pet first aid kit
Don't wait until it's too late! Contact us for more information on Pet CPR and First Aid classes.